Intuitive Anatomy ThetaHealing® class

Requirements: Basic DNA2 class + Advanced DNA2 class + Dig depper class
This class is a powerful training of your psychic abilities, you will undertake intensive self-work you have never experienced so far. Your abilities of working on yourself and others will considerably improve and you will create healings faster and more precisely. This class was developed as radical work on yourself to clean your system of beliefs so you can be healthier, happier and more competent.
The class lasts for 15 days and every day one body system is processed:
  • Day 1: Microbes/parasites: Viruses, fungi…
  • Day 2: Skeletal system
  • Day 3: Endocrine system
  • Day 4: Digestive system
  • Day 5: Respiratory system
  • Day 6: Heart and cardiovascular system
  • Day 7: Lymphatic system
  • Day 8: Urinary and reproductive system
  • Day 9: Muscles
  • Day 10: Nervous system
  • Day 11: Skin
  • Day 12: Eyes
  • Day 13: Brain
  • Day 14: Ears
  • Day 15: The body as a whole
Every system in the body and every organ stores specific beliefs and blockages you are not aware of that can make your life harder on all fields, both internally in the body and externally in relationships, family and business. By working deeply on the beliefs in this class, these blockages are made aware of and released. Once you have mastered this class, you will be able to help others in your surrounding better with this knowledge.

There are connections between organs you are not aware of:

If you want to improve your eyesight, you have to work on your liver!
By cleansing and regenerating the liver, you can regain damaged vision.

In this course, you will improve your intuitive body scanning skills, learn how to talk to organs and cells, and how to recognize diseases in the body when you scan it.
You will learn how to work with diseases such as diabetes, cancer, leukemia, osteoporosis, arthritis, depression, asthma… You will gain knowledge on how to integrate working with plants, minerals and vitamins into your healing work.
Through the class, you will do exercises and develop many skills:
  • Deeper understanding of the human body and how it works
  • Knowledge of organs and their interrelationships
  • Developing inner health and balance on a mental and emotional level
  • Remote scanning exercises are performed
  • Improving the flow of life energy and returning of motivation for a happy life
  • Releasing of emotional trauma and fears
  • Mutual healings through treatments are practiced
  • Every day a film is shown about the body system that is being processed that day
  • Advanced exercises for development of intuition and clairvoyance
Throughout the day, installations are made for a specific body system by the teachers, as well as Vianna’s list of installations at the end of each day.
Each student receives the necessary material for the class at the beginning of the course.


IT WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH. In case all participants know Croatian, part that Nada teaches will be in Croatian, and the part held by Stephen in English. If the class will be attended by foreigners who speak only English, then the entire class will be held in English.
Following class date: Starting: 13.03.2021. at 10:00 Ending: 29.03.2021. at 18:00
Location: Okićka 25 , Theta Centar
Price: 1340 € (payable in HRK or EURO)
Discount: 10 % of discount for applications at least 2 months before the start of the course
  20 % of discount for coming with a spouse
Additional information:
To register for the class, please fill in the application form:
Application lasts until: 11.03.2021. Upon registration, it is necessary to pay a non-refundable registration fee in the amount of 240 € (1800.00 HRK). The remaining amount can be paid together with the registration fee or brought on the day of the course from 09:30 to 10:00. You will receive the details for the registration fee after filling in the application form.
The class lasts for 15 full days, with breaks on following dates: 18.03.2021. and 24.03.2021.
The class is held for 5 days, followed by 1 day of break (18.03.2021.), then 5 days of class and 1 day of break again (24.03.2021.) and then 5 more days of class. The course is held from 10:00 – 18:00 o’clock with lunch break from 14-15 o’clock.
If necessary, there are shorter breaks of 5-10 minutes for restroom and refreshments.
Upon completion of the class, participants receive a certificate from THInK (Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge) on passing the course of Intuitive Anatomy.


Following class date: Starting: 03.07.2021. at 10:00 Ending: 19.07.2021. at 18:00
Association Althaea Rijeka, Šetalište Andrije Kačića Miošića 8b
Price: 1340 € (payable in HRK or EURO)
Discount: 10 % of discount for applications at least 2 months before the start of the course
  20 % of discount for coming with a spouse
Additional information:
To register for the class, please fill in the application form:
Application lasts until: 30.06.2021. Upon registration, it is necessary to pay a non-refundable registration fee in the amount of 240 € (1800.00 HRK). The remaining amount can be paid together with the registration fee or brought on the day of the course from 09:30 to 10:00. You will receive the details for the registration fee after filling in the application form.
The class lasts for 15 full days, with breaks on following dates: 08.07.2021. and 14.07.2021.
The class is held for 5 days, followed by 1 day of break (08.07.2021), then 5 days of class and 1 day of break again (14.07.2021.) and then 5 more days of class. The course is held from 10:00 – 18:00 o’clock with lunch break from 14-15 o’clock.
If necessary, there are shorter breaks of 5-10 minutes for restroom and refreshments.
Upon completion of the class, participants receive a certificate from THInK (Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge) on passing the course of Intuitive Anatomy.
The class is taught by:
Siniša Bošković
Certified ThetaHealing® teacher for Intuitive Anatomy
Nada Šegvić
Certified ThetaHealing® teacher for Intuitive Anatomy
Stephen Roy Parker is a Master & Certificate of Science teacher and practitioner of ThetaHealing™ with many years of experience. He is one of the oldest active teachers of Theta Healing with 18 years of experience in applying the technique. He is also a student from the first group of Vianna’s DNA3 students.
He has taught seminars and held individual treatments in many countries around the world. Only some of them are: Canada, USA, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia, Sweden, Mexico, Slovenia… The specificity of all his lectures, workshops, treatments and courses is immediacy, ease of teaching, a lot of humor and relaxation and, most importantly, the great knowledge and expertise that Steve selflessly shares with all attendees.