Sign up for Intuitive anatomy class

In order to sign up for a ThetaHealing® class Intuitive Anatomy please fill out the following sign up form:

Sign up form for Intuitive Anatomy
Price of class is 1340€ or 10050 kn. Payable in kunas or euros.
Deposit for Intuitive anatomy class is 1800 kn or 240€ and needs to be paid at sign up, otherwise the signup is not valid. Deposit is included in the overall price of the class.
After you fill up the sign up form press the “Submit form” button. In a few minutes you will receive an automated response with further instructions and payment details on the email you entered in the sign up form. If you do not receive an email please check your spam/junk folder. If it is not there please repeat your sign up (carefully entering your email address). If the email does not come after that something must have failed technically so please send us an email directly at this address: !
By submitting the form you agree to our General Data Protection Regulation – “GDPR” policy. You can read more about it on this link:
For any assistance we stand at your service on the following email: